world map 2022

The International Public Court

The Public Court is Of the Public, By the Public, and For the Public,
Where the Public judge the Judges.


The worldwide democratic administrations are subject to judicial review.

The states’ judicial branch and courts hold the judicial review.

States, their administrations and Citizens bring their legal cases to court for conflict resolving.

Judges and other jurisdiction-authorized officials hold and manage the proceedings.

The states gave the judges and jurisdiction-authorized officials almost total legal immunity.

This legal immunity is sometimes abused, and in many cases, abused severely, in purpose for many hidden reasons, but can be proved.

Due to the legal immunity described above, the judges left unpunished, and the victims are suffering severe mental and financial damages.

When victims apply to court claiming their rights against the sinful judges, the judges holding the trials always dismiss the charges, even when the malice offenses are clear and obvious.

The paradigm that guides the Public Court is that every process in nature without external control will eventually get out-of-order.

The Public Court aims to give solution for this unjust situation by the following long-distance running solution:

  1. Volunteers from all over the world, with the correct background and education will serve as judges.

  2. Volunteers from all over the world will serve as a jury.

  3. Victims will bring their cases to the Public Court, possibly anonymously, while addressing a special online procedure.

  4. The offending judge will be the opportunity to submit statement of defense and hold all defendant procedures.

  5. The Public Court judge and jury give an elaborated and reasoned verdict that includes compensation and punishment.

  6. Yet, the verdict cannot be enforced, but only after legislative amendments (see below).

  7. The verdicts will be published and be able to be searched online in this Public Court records.

  8. Based on the evidences of judicial crimes to be accumulated as time passes, the victims supposed to understand that they have political power.

  9. If the victims will unite, each group in their own state, they will have political power to conduct legislative amendments, and receive compensation stated in the Public Court’s verdicts and punish the sinful judges.

Next steps:

  1. Defining the judicial offenses to be claimed by the victims.

    The first four offenses are:

    1. Trial Biasing.

    2. Maltreatment the victim during the trial.

    3. Judge authority abusing.

    4. All other offenses defined by the state’s law.

  2. Defining the Public Court procedure.

Volunteers from all over the world are welcome to send suggestions – jurists, computer scientist, computer and electrical engineers are welcome to apply to [email protected]